Class notes

PowerPoint notes for Wednesday Sept. 8th 2010- Welcome back to schoolSmile

Welcome To • Ms. Ferrante’s • Earth Science Class •

Success in Earth Science

To be successful in this class you need to:

• Follow instructions.

• Come to class on time and prepared.

• Follow the school as well as the classroom code of conduct.

• Come to class everyday, unless you have a legal excuse.

• Participate in all labs and classroom discussions.

 Work hard to achieve the best grades that you can get.

. Complete the mandated number of lab hours required by the state to take the New York State regents exam. (labs must be passing to count towards lab requirement hours).

. Study class notes, labs, other study materials.

.Complete all homework assignments.

1. Pass tests and quizzes.

Classroom Code of Conduct

• Come to class everyday possible.

• Come to class prepared, ready to work.

• Be in your seat ready to work when the bell rings.

• Raise hand when answering or asking questions.

• Respect each other and the teacher.

• Refrain from cursing, and other abusive language.

• Classroom Code of Conduct

7. Complete all work that is assigned in a timely manner.

8. Participate in all classroom activities and labs.

9. Work hard to be successful.

Remember: Your actions have consequences, whether they are good or bad are your choice!

Consequences for Misbehavior

• Verbal warning

• Write up

• Detention referral

• Call home

• Suspension

• Administrative decision

• Letter to Parent/Guardian

Lets review the letter together.

• This is a contract between you, your parent/guardian, and myself.

• Signing it and having it signed by your parent/guardian is your first homework assignment.

• It is due Monday.

• Regents Requirements

• Supplies Due

• Syllabus

• Grading

• Earth Science Reference Table

• Lab Safety

• Lab Teams

• Homework

• Textbooks

• Questions